Ive created my own git server! Click any link to view all of my source code.
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To Build or Not To Build

Building software should be fun. I totally never forget about a project (I made those repos private).


Designed to let me gamble more efficiently. Cross compare lines between sports books and DFS platforms to get the best edge.


PropEdge Website

Built a Next.js website to display and categorize the bets to place by most probable.

GetProps API

FastAPI to retrieve and manage data from the MongoDB database.

Sportsbook Data Script

Built a python script to retrieve the data from scraped private sports book APIs. Totally not unethical.


Github is boring. Thats why I made GitRyan. Okay you got me, I was actually just bored and wanted to figure out how to host my own Git server.


GitRyan Website

Yes, I spent 3 hours trying to fix 1 NGINX rule.


View and sort through music. Filter by most popular in your country and global charts. See songs related to your favorites.


Streamify Website

Built with create-react-app. Crazy how fast best practice changes isnt? See music details.

Stupid Simple FreeFitnessPal

Track your fitness goals while being able to save presets and scan barcodes. Don’t pay for MyFitnessPal.


Flutter App

Worked on it with Flutter, primarily for IOS. Scan barcodes for free. #Don’tPayForMyFitnessPal